What firewall ports does NDT require to be open?

If you are unable to run NDT at all, you may be using a computer that is firewalled, for example at your workplace. The ndt5 protocol test requires some non-standard ports to be allowed. A network administrator will need to open ports 3001-3010 and 32768-65535 in the firewall for this test to function properly.

For network administrators, the patterns below can be used in your firewall rules to whitelist M-Lab servers and tests:

  • all tests the M-Lab platform: *.measurement-lab.org
  • only NDT tests: ndt.iupui.mlab*.measurement-lab.org
  • specfic NDT servers by metro using IATA code: ndt.iupui.mlab[1-3].(lax|den|dfw)[0-9]{2}.measurement-lab.org
The ndt7 protocol test works over standard HTTP(S) ports 80 and 443.